
Thursday, October 25, 2007


Many times this question has pop in to my mind, what is the drive that will keep me motivated at all times. Desires are strong to over growth myself in life and as life are full of bumps which I have yet to learn and find out.

Matters and problems that didn't kill me will make me stronger and failure that I encounter will make me wiser. Stronger and smarter as each days has pass but this will not stop me from learning what are the values that each lesson would teach me.

Every occurence in life has a meaning towards it. Something will cause us to learn to be better if we are able to observe it. Thinking to ourself and giving thought to what we observe daily would definately helps us to understand ourself better.

Reflect what has happen daily and pick up the lessons that we could learn each day. May not be benefitting from it financially but it would definately makes us wiser. Should we be able to capitalise and relates to our financial position, it would definately help us in planning for a better tomorrow for us, our children & futures generations that will be able to be benefit from our hardwork and lessons learned today.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Can you retire

Sunday May 27, 2007 (Article adopted from The Star)

Counting on the nest egg

With people living longer, marrying and having children later and not saving enough, facing retirement is a challenge. While there is growing awareness about the need to plan, less than 5% are prepared for retirement and fail to take into consideration inflation rates and rising medical costs. IN 1981, when Azman graduated, he got a job in KL which paid him RM1,800 a month. He bought an imported Mazda at RM17,000 and months later he put down money on a RM78,000 single-storey terrace house.

Today, 25 years later, Azman's daughter has just finished university. Her starting pay is RM1,800, just like her father's two and a half decades ago. But unlike her father's time, imported cars cost over RM100,000 today. So Latifah has opted to buy a Proton for RM45,000 (more than double what her dad paid for his first car). While her father could afford to buy a house early in his career, Latifah can't. Houses in KL these days cost at least RM200,000, so she has to work for a few years first before she can own one. Compared to 25 years ago, the prices of goods, food, petrol and electricity have all gone up.

Understandably, it's an uphill task for Latifah to save on her RM1,800 salary, since the purchasing power of her salary is much lower than her father's back in the 1980s. It is a fact that wages have not moved in tandem with the rise of the cost of living and inflation. That trend is expected to continue. And if people do not start planning early for their retirement, they are going to find themselves in a spot after they turn 55. Today, three meals cost you RM20 but in 20 years time – with an inflation rate of 6% a year – you will need RM64 per day for the three meals, estimates financial consultant Hazel Ong Archibald of CIMB Wealth Advisors (see Chart 1).

The government puts inflation rate at 3.2% to 4.8% but Ong says in urban areas, that figure is about 6%. So while the RM500,000 in your EPF or bank account at retirement might look good on paper, she says, if you do not invest that money to make it grow at a rate higher than the inflation rate, 20 years later, it would be worth only RM145,053 in purchasing power! While there is more awareness about retirement planning these days, particularly in the urban areas, in reality this does not often translate into preparedness. Why? "Because it is more pleasurable to spend than to save," opines Ong. People understand – at head level – the need to plan and save, she says, but at heart level, emotions rule and instant gratification wins the battle. "I wanted to persuade a friend to save for the future but she kept saying she had no money but then later I saw she could sign up RM3,000 and RM5,000 for some slimming packages!"

Reality hits when people find that they cannot afford to retire because they had not seriously put aside the money early on in life. "Less than 5% are prepared for retirement," estimates Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) president Ng Lian Lau. He says those in their 20s think they are too young to think about retirement, while those in their 30s and 40s tend to believe they are doing enough because they have their EPF savings, and those who are 55 feel it is just too late for them. And the truth is at 55, most people cannot afford to retire. "People are living longer, life expectancy for women is 76 years. For men it's 72. With this kind of longevity, people have got more than 20 years after retirement. 60 would be a more ideal retirement age," he says. People are marrying later too, points out Ong. Which means they are having children later in life.

If a person has a kid at the age of 35 and retires at 55, the odds are that his child at 20 would probably still be at university or college and his education require financing. On average, the Malaysian household spent 5.7% on education last year. With the cost of education rising by 6% each year, this is expected to climb steadily. While parents might buy an education insurance plan for their children, Ong has found that 90% of the time the amount is insufficient. More often than not, parents are willing to give up "everything", including their own retirement fund for the kids.

Which leaves them in a vulnerable position in their old age, unless of course their children provide for them. As for life insurance, only 40% of Malaysians are covered. Ng says this is a small number compared to 100% in Singapore , 80% in the United States and 400% in Japan (where one person has four policies on average). And even if one has a life policy as well as savings from the EPF, people should still worry about retirement. This is because without a new source of income, that money would run out. This is especially so if one runs into health problems which is common when people grow older. "Medical inflation is easily 15% each year. And this could really eat into the savings," warns Prudential Assurance Malaysia Bhd CEO Tan Kar Hor.

Tan likens the medical bill as a "hole" which if not plugged would leak away one's entire retirement and savings. "It's only a question of how the big the hole is," he says. So parliamentary secretary to the Finance Ministry Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya's announcement on Thursday that amendments to the Employees Provident Fund Act would allow contributors to withdraw money to buy insurance for critical illness for themselves and their family is welcome news.

The amendment Bill was passed in Dewan Negara that same day. So how much would one need for retirement? Experts say this depends on the individual and his lifestyle. And how much he is willing to reduce consumption – to eat out less often, buy fewer things, live in a smaller house, drive less, drive a smaller car and travel less. The rule of the thumb, says Ng, is managing on 60% of your last drawn pay. For Ong, it's 70% of one's current lifestyle. If a family in Kuala Lumpur with two kids and two cars needs RM5,000 today, at retirement, expenses should go down to RM3,500. Even based on this calculation, one would need RM747,000 if one were to live for 25 years after retirement, and RM806,200 for the next 30 years, factoring in the inflation and interest rates. Going by statistics revealed in EPF's 2005 annual report, about 90% of EPF contributors have less than RM100,000 in their accounts. So sole dependence on one's EPF savings as a safety net is not good enough. Assuming that one can live on RM1,000 a month, to survive for 25 years, one would still need a substantial RM300,000 and for 35 years, RM420,000.

Bank Negara's Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK) CEO Mohamed Akwal Sultan reckons a person should not start purchasing big assets like property or a house late in life as the danger is that once they have retired they may not be able to meet the instalment payment on it. "When you are in your late 40s, you should be winding down and not committing to high expenses to buy big things," he says. AKPK has dealt with a number of cases where retirees have had banks auction off their houses because they could not meet the monthly loan payment.

There is also the problem of credit card temptation. Ng notes a worrying trend that more and more younger people are becoming bankrupt as they are spending "tomorrow's money". Which basically means these people are not saving or building their retirement nest. Ideally, Ong says, people should start saving from the time of conception; that way would be able to enjoy the magic of the compounding effect (see Chart 2). Prudential's Tan says a noticeable trend is that while the younger generation is prepared to invest in new financial instruments, the older generation gravitates towards fixed deposits.

"That is very risky because you would not be able to accumulate enough because the interest rates can't meet the inflationary rate and your money is getting smaller," he says. He believes given the current life span, it would do retirees good to be more aggressive in their investment. "In investing, you should not be looking at the date of retirement but rather the date of potential death which is probably still another 21 years away after retirement," he says. He recommends that people only keep about six months of their monthly expenses in the savings and FDs and put the rest in investment products that generate more income than the inflation rate.

Ng believes a good private pension would help people in their retirement years. In developed countries, money put into savings for retirement is not taxable, neither is the profit from that investment. "When you retire, you can't take the money out in a lump sum either or you'd have to pay tax on it. This will force you to withdraw your money on a regular monthly basis for retirement because that's tax free," he adds. Singapore has such a scheme, the voluntary Supplementary Retirement Scheme, which complements the Central Provident Fund (CPF). Such a scheme has not taken off in Malaysia for a number of reasons, says Ng. It would be a loss of revenue to the Government because people would not be paying taxes on money put aside for retirement.

It would benefit only the rich and middle income group as the poor might not be able to afford it, he adds. "Perhaps it hasn't taken off too because the Malaysian economy is pretty dependent on consumer spending. And the Government wants you to spend," he adds. Ng says there should also be an asset liquidation law in the country. It is puzzling that there are all sorts of incentives for asset accumulation, he says, but none for liquidation. An example of asset liquidation would be to reverse mortgage your house to the bank in return for a guaranteed monthly income until you die.

The asset would at the end of the day belong to the bank or insurance company. But in the meantime, the person has the right to continue to live in the house until death and get a monthly income too. "If they outlive the value of the house, the bank loses," he says.

As our population ages and life expectancy increases, more thought must be given by both individuals and the Government on how to develop a culture of planning and saving for one's retirement.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Home Based Business - Ameriplan

As the cost medical has been increasing over the years, I guess now there are no need to worry so much about it as Ameriplan has one of the greatest offer in town which is not to resist.

Ameriplan not only offers great dental plans, it also offers a great career progression for any individual for individuals who would like to share this great opportunity for any one who promotes it.

Ameriplan has a variety insurance plans that includes dental, vision, prescription, chiropractic and the latest health care insurance.

Ameriplan are a great one stop overall health care plans for the everyone. Ameriplan will not dissapoint you.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Managing Distance - Web Conferencing

Time has been major resource which humans finds it difficult to have more especially with businessman. Travelling around takes hell lotsa time to do so. Yet still meetings need to be attended. How can we achieve so much in this world?

Telecommunication has been one of the best basic communication tool that has been ever created by the human beings. With the advance communication capability of internet, web conferencing is made possible to everyone.

Not to mentioned the cost of web conferencing, it is one of the most cost efficient tools use by many large, mid or small organisation. Not only that it could transfer voice over the line but, ladies and gentlemen web conferencing also transmit visual that is real time with a slight delay due to the connection that is being use by the individuals.

Web conferencing has never been easier than before. With more and more providers of web conferencing services. All business person could save a lot more convenient time and made sound decision in the comfort of their home.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gist of Online Business - Accepting Credit Cards

The main component of an online business is to be able to accept credit card.

Many consumers be they old or young, credit card is not something unsual that they have and it seems to be embedded into their lives. But in order to be able to accept credit card retailers be it online or traditional, a merchant account is the vital mechanism to be able to process your customers payment.

As a business person, we know there are no free lunch. There are cost associated to have a merchant account, of course there are competitive merchant account providers that are able to assist business person like you and me with lower transaction rates.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Most young adults have the tendency of not being able to save much money on the age more over being expose to the idea of wealth accumulation. Income that they have earned are mostly being paid to their car installment, rental, fitness membership and so on depending on their spending habit.

But there are still some exceptional young adults that had spend less into their lifestyle and cost conscious enough and spend only on what they need and leave their money into savings account or better yet place their hard earn money into fixed deposits which they could earn an interest from 3% to 3.75% depending on the length of time which it is locked for and the amount which they deposit in.

For young adults, this is their most precious time and yet challenging as they could have just start off their career or building them at this moment. Time will be so much tied onto their job and would have no time to think about investing their hard earned money and ready to settle down with interest that they have earned from their fixed deposit.

There are many interesting investing vehicle that could be found in the market. To name a few such as stock market, unit trust, properties, land banking, businesses and etc...

Many of these great investing vehicles will require a huge amount of downpayment or time to research on the right investing vehicle at the risk level which they could tolerate.

Nevertheless, it will still require time to monitor the investments as there are no one looking after it for you.

In my opinion, one of the better off investments for young adult are unit trust. The reason for this is it takes only a very minimal amount to start up (eg RM 1,000). In Malaysia, compeition are high for unit trust management companies in Malaysia and of course the competition is so that high it is great to get the best deals out of them.

Generally unit trust post a higher return compared to fixed deposit ranging from 3% to 16% depending on the type of funds which you may have invested in.

Great benefits which young adults could enjoy from this is this investment vehicle are very much more on then what it seems. You will enjoy the benefit of expertise who has been managing funds for years. Calculated risk on your investment will be taken into account to assure that chances of growing your investment are higher.

Well diversified in a manner that your funds are place into multiple shares by the fund managers even if one of the counter is losing there will be still a lot more of other counters that will be gaining. Unless there is a substantial financial crisis in the region or the world, therefore if this circumstances are to occur, switching your funds are one of the thing which you would like to think of. This also takes into consideration of the growth of your fund size. If you have gain a substantial capital growth, realise it and move on to new funds or funds which have reach its lowest point.

Of course there are many more great benefits that we could derive from investing in unit trust.

To find out more you may contact me through email, MSN messenger or mobile.

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Mobile: +60126558710